I would say sorry for the language, but we all know you don't care, Big Dude. This gem of advice comes from a 15-year-old that unfortunately picked up my affinity for curse words, but it's one of my favorites. Kick some ass.
This piece of advice is easy to understand. When my lovely teenage cousin would go to her cheer practices and competitions, I would usually be there to drop her off. Every time she'd get out of the car or walk into the practice room, I'd forgo the "good lucks" and instead say "kick some ass".
And it stuck. Now, instead of wishing
good fortune on each other, we say KSA. So naturally when I saw this piece of advice on one of my "Keys to Success", I knew I had to share.
Whether it's a competition, sporting event, big interview, meeting your significant other's parents, or simply living life, don't forget - kick some ass. After all, that's what you did Trav.
Love, Bubba
Love Love Love Love IT!!! Thanks Alex!!!