Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Lesson 20: Keys to Success - Forgive Fast

     Trav, you were pretty good at forgiveness. I can't remember you speaking ill of a single person. Even the people that you didn't necessarily have to get along with or had good reason to hate, you didn't. Because you were a good person, and you forgave fast.
     "Forgive fast" is a Key to Success that I have yet master. I wish that I was as good at it as you were, but I'm not. I'm young, and I hold grudges. Instead of forgiving and removing that hatred from my heart, I harbor it. And that's wrong.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in me."
Psalms 51:10
     One of the many things I'm trying in my journey of adulthood is to forgive like you did. Because a clean happy heart is better than a dark angry one.
     Love, Bubba

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